I took a week between posts, and the one from Friday is far from good writing. It's notes on things that happened, and I wanted to document them, but I simply entered the facts, I didn't embellish or craft a story. In general, my posts as of late have been flat. I feel like I'm in a slump. I've lost my mojo. And I haven't made myself push through it and write more to get to the other side. I've slacked off because I can. And I can tell. I care, but at the same time, I feel like I need a break.
Last week I mostly didn't post because things were a little chaotic. Monday night I had a get together with my girls from high school. While I was there, DH called to say our refrigerator stopped working, so he was moving everything over to the beer/pop fridge in the garage. When I got up Tuesday morning, I heard the ice maker drop ice, so I thought it was working again. This seemed like an opportune time to clean the inside since it was empty. I let DH know, and he said to put a thermometer in it to make sure it was really working again. So I did. It was around 40 all day, which I thought was fine, but DH said was too warm when he got home. The kicker was that when he opened the freezer to see the ice, it had all melted. Good thing I wasted the day cleaning the dang thing.
Anyway, I am trying to get back into the habit of writing a little bit every day. So forgive me for awhile as the quality and content may be less than stellar as I get back into the swing of things!