Thursday, March 28, 2013


If you look back to my "Poor Pinterest Projects" post from last March, you'll see I made some homemade laundry soap. It cost about twenty bucks to make it. I used the last scoop in a load tonight. Talk about a frugal option!

On a less positive note, we had an accident in the bath tonight. The girls like to bathe in our tub because it has jacuzzi jets. After we finish washing, I let them turn on the jets for five minutes for a "bubble bath." On the wall behind the tub, hang two small shelves. One has a jar with sand in it, and the other has a jar with sea green beads in It. Tonight, the glass jar with the beads fell as we were finishing up bubble time. It shattered everywhere and some shards made small cuts across Baby R's back. I felt horrible. S was crying because she was scared of sissy being hurt. They're both fine, but I should have thought about the possibility that those could fall. Thankful it wasn't worse.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dream A Little Dream

I had my first pregnancy dream last night. I can't remember how it started, but I ended up delivering the baby this Friday. A girl I work with is pregnant and due in two weeks. We have a pool at the office to see who can most closely guess when she'll deliver. I guessed this Friday, and another girl guessed today because it's a full moon. I'm sure much of the dream was related to that.

I was on a gurney in the hospital hallway. There weren't any rooms available because a bunch of women had gone into labor. DH wasn't there yet; he was on his way. I think it was my sister who had brought me? Anyway, there was a mirror in the hallway, and I could see some of the other women in their rooms. My labor was progressing rapidly, and I knew I couldn't keep the baby from being born any longer, and I was worried because I knew there was no way a C-section could happen. (Having had two previously, I'm at too great a risk for a VBAC now.) I could see the baby crowning in the mirror and yelled out for help. A nurse swooped in, caught the infant and placed it in my arms before rushing off to help another woman delivering nearby. It was full-term, beautiful. I realized she hadn't told me the sex. I lifted it up and saw it was a boy.

As much as my husband would like to believe my dream was psychic, I think it's also related to the girl at work. She and her husband had the sonographer write the baby's sex on a piece of paper and then took it to Party City and told them they wanted pink or blue balloons put in a box for when they came back to pick it up. Then they opened it later when they were at dinner with their families and were all surprised at the same time. The balloons were pink.

In the last week or so, several old wives tales have popped up, along with comments from other people that indicate the baby is a boy. She's started to question everything since they never saw the sono showing the baby's genitals. She said it will probably be born on April Fool's Day and be a boy. Ha! That would be funny.

Anyway, I'm not putting too much credence in my dream. But it will be fun to find out how things turn out for my friend, and for us.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hellllllllooooooo??? Is Anybody There????

Wow. Three months. Where has the time gone? So many funny kid stories to share. I've been scribbling them on notes scattered around the house, and dictating them into my voice memos on my phone. No promises, but I'll try to transcribe them soon.

For now, the latest news with us combines, per the new norm, great highs and great lows. First, the bad news. Our house is sinking. My BIL is a structural engineer and came by last night to take a look. (Super fun way to celebrate DH's and my 8th annivesary.) He told us what we already knew. We have to get it piered to save it. DH wants to sell it and run. I don't think we can without fixing it. Which we're guessing will cost around $40k. Will get some estimates, and then decide if we can patch it a little and get out of here breaking even, or if we'd be upside down and have to suck it up and stay. I don't want to move. For the first time in my life, I love our house. But it's just a building. I can give it up. What I don't want to give up is the backyard and our neighborhood. But I just need to let it go and remember that God will provide.

Speaking of which, our latest blessing is that we're expecting again! DH had this awesome suggestion for announcing our news:

The girls can't wait. S wants a brother and Baby R wants a sister. She wants to name it Pineapple. I told her we'd talk about it. For now, that makes a good name to use instead of "it," though. So far, I'm feeling well. No nausea, but I do tend to have a sour stomach frequently. I wasn't sure if I was eating something that disagreed with me or if it was some kind of morning sickness. My doc said she had that with one of her pregnancies, too. Kooky.

More news to come sooner rather than later, I hope!
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