Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is 2009 over yet?

So yesterday Dad got laid off. He's trying to file for unemployment, but can't get through. I just feel terribly for them. What a start to the new year...

We are meeting with a woman about part-time childcare this afternoon. Mom and Dad love watching S, but she's a handful and it wears them out. We were hoping to find a place where we could split the slot with our friends who just had a baby girl and will be in a similar situation, but so far all the people I've called don't take infants. We'll keep looking, though.

DH went to NE for work yesterday. It was a short flight but really turbulent and in a prop plane, so a little disconcerting for him. He was glad to be on the ground when he got home! I was supposed to go to AR tomorrow for work, but our client forgot we were coming, so we rescheduled for next week.

S's new favorite thing is my Chapstick so I tried to bribe her to get dressed yesterday by offering it to her as a reward, but she cannot be swayed if she doesn't want to do something. I'm trying the Love and Logic method of offering her choices to help with her control issues, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. She's just hard-headed. Wonder where she gets that from... :)

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